اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)


When did you start masturbating? – Married sex stories – erotica

اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)

I don’t remember the exact age, but it was probably around 13 or 14. I was taking a bath (we didn’t take showers when I was growing up) and I was just lying in the water relaxing and started playing with my penis. Of course, it got hard and I just kind of mindlessly fondled it, enjoying the feeling. Suddenly, without warning I ejaculated. I was very surprised, but remember thinking, “Wow, that sure felt good!” Of course, I wanted to experience that feeling again, so the next time I deliberately stroked myself to ejaculation. After that, there was no looking back.

As a funny aside, I guess I was a dense kid, because I remember asking our guidance counselor during sex ed class in 6th grade before I discovered orgasm, “How do you know when the sperm goes through?”, to snickers from some of the other boys in the (boys only) class. I naively did not realize that even though sperm is so small you can’t see a single cell, that it is accompanied with semen to carry it. After my first bathtub experience it finally dawned on me. Derp. (The guidance counselor graciously and kindly described it as a “feeling of relaxation.” An obvious understatement, but how else can you explain it to a dumb kid?)

Anyway, here I am in a sexless marriage, so masturbation is a regular thing for me. As some of you have read in my previous posts though, and as most of you already know, it doesn’t compare to cumming inside your wife’s pussy. Not even close. Intercourse is very much an emotional experience for a man. I masturbate to fill my physical need, but it is accompanied with anger and frustration (not guilt), because I know what I am missing with the real thing. Please pray for me and the reconciliation of my marriage.

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