اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)


Discussion – Married sex stories – erotica

اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)

I’ll decline to share exact measurements for now, but as a rough estimate, I’m slightly longer than average when erect, and about average girth. That might be a little unusual too, because I’m a rather small guy overall! I have no idea how my size will be for my future wife, because I haven’t found her yet! But I’m confident that I’ll be able to please her, whether or not my penis is the primary method of doing so.

I’m a grower rather than a shower, so there’s a major size difference between flaccid and erect! Although I don’t really have just one flaccid size, because it varies a lot based on factors like higher or lower temperature, and increased or decreased blood circulation with exercise.

I also want to add a reminder for everyone that, according to research, the median erect penis is around 5 inches in length, and 4.5 inches in circumference (girth). So with many of the comments talking about 6-8 inches in length, I don’t want anyone thinking 4-5 inches is abnormally short! Those are perfectly normal sizes. In fact, 90% of men will be between 4 and 6.5 inches long when erect. I suspect men are simply more likely to comment and share their size when they’re more confident with what they have.

And aside from some very unusual outliers, any size is perfectly capable of giving and receiving a complete, fulfilling sexual experience. Our modern society thinks bigger is better when it comes to penis size, but it isn’t always! As I said in another recent comment, both smaller and bigger penises have their pros and cons, and neither is inherently better or worse.

And don’t believe the lie that penis size is everything. Even a man with no penis at all still has his fingers, his tongue and lips, his words, and his love to please his wife. The penis is just one tool in the arsenal of pleasure you have available to you! So don’t worry if one tool is a little different than you’d like. There are certainly things I’m unhappy about with my penis, but I’m still grateful for what God has given me, and I’m confident that I’ll be able to have an amazing sexual experience with my future wife even despite an imperfect body. So whatever you’ve got, use it with a mindset of prioritizing your wife’s pleasure, and it will be awesome!

I can’t answer the boobs question, since I’m not a lady and I’m not married to one yet. But I can guarantee that I’ll adore them no matter what size they are, and if she allows me to, I will DEFINITELY use them sexually and absolutely devour those beautiful bounties!

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