اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)


Help With Masturbation Thoughts – Answer Poll Question – Married sex stories – erotica

اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)


I would say, check your thoughts. Check your masturbation sessions. While you masturbate are you urged to go out & seek out adultery/fornication/immorality? Are your thoughts causing you to go & do the sin? Are your thoughts about planning, going to, or intending to do the sin at all in the future, whether asap, or sometime later when opportunity knocks, you WILL do the sin?

From what you say, I don’t gather that your intentions are to do the sin, I could be wrong.

I used to be afraid of my thoughts. I used to cry, fear, & hate myself for what I imagined. I was influenced, majorly, by porn & society, when I was a kid. Sexual gratification was a damned if you do, damned if you don’t place for me. Through my own fears & people around me, I always thought my imagination meant I would do it, had I had the chance. That I wanted to do it. Well, years went by, stuck in that same spot. Girls came & went, I got married, with the same fear still intact. I had sex. But, nothing was ever promiscuity. Yes, it was sin, before marriage. But, I wasn’t a player. I didn’t have urges to cheat, or run up my body count. Once I married, I carried that desire with me. I had opportunity, married, & not, to go against my conscience, but didn’t. Some were my idea, but many were other’s idea to cheat, commit adultery. It really was not me, it wasn’t in my wheelhouse. But, here I was 30, 40, years old, married a while, now, & I still had that fear of my imagination meaning I wanted to sin. I finally woke up to the fact that I didn’t want to sin & my imagination was not me wanting to. My life even showed it. I had a few chances where I could’ve but did not want to, I walked away from those chances.

Christians should be on guard. We are told to flee temptation & stop sinning. We are warned of being deceived, tempted, & uncontrolled. So, fortify God’s will. But, judge trees by the fruit. Judge yourself by your fruit. Call a spade a spade. My masturbation imagination, & porn use, was not me saying sin is ok, that I wanted that worldly sin in my life, nor that I was going to make that sin happen for me. In fact, my righteous thoughts on Godly sex never changed, but always popped up & challenged my porn viewing behavior.

Yes, I can be tempted. But, me watching a murder mystery does not make me want to murder someone. I see women all the time, & I appreciate their figure. I might even say, “I’d look at that,” but I don’t even come close to anything inappropriate. I don’t have that fear anymore. I had the wrong idea. I was wrong on what my imagining sin sex was. I’m not tempted, nor lustful, to do it.

Brains think. Like hearts beat. Brains work without us telling it to. It will piece things together & come up with new things where we got that, we may never know. But, also, we think along lines of our common thoughts. We bought the book, so we access it. The more porn we pour over the easier it gets to access. The harder it may be to stop accessing.

I don’t advocate for porn, but I don’t judge either. I feel porn is a sin, but not so much for just viewing it. I believe porn is a sin industry because it is prostitution, Godless, & promotes nothing but sin. So, I try to curb my viewing of it, because it is not God, it is not His sex. But, just viewing it, & it not being a cause for temptation, I don’t judge the viewer anymore than judging someone watching Friends & seeing hard nipples, through a shirt.

I do not believe just nudity & sex alone, in bounds with God, is a sin. It is the actions that are out of bounds with Him, that He says is a sin.

Seek God’s word to guide you into His sexual place, with Him. Want that. Desire that. In the mean time, judge your tree by its fruit. If it is a sin; to you, your husband, whoever, work it out with God. What does He say. Be controlled. Be able to sacrifice. Also, you don’t have to let everyone in on what you allow in your faith, between you & God, can just stay between you & Him. Forgive yourself. Wrestle your doubt of God’s forgiveness & love for you. Forgive others, too. Your memory of your past, other’s sin does not change Jesus going to the cross & nailing that sin to it, dead. Gone. As far as the east is from the west. Work on believing that. Exercise the belief & faith muscles.

Sometimes, we pray that God would take away a sin. But, our sexual urges are not so easily removed when they are natural, God created urges. The key is maturity. Christians have to learn to use, choose, & control our life in Christ. It is not about God doing it for us. But, Jesus knows you. He is familiar with your struggle. You may fail, but get back up because He still loves you. That failure does not stop His love & grace. Keep going with Jesus & you’ll get where He wants you. Hold His hand. Walk with Him. Talk with Him. Be patient. Don’t doubt His word of love & forgiveness. Disciple.

If you need a confidant, choose wisely. Spouses should be a partner in righteousness, but are not always able, or equipped. Sex is a complicated thing from christian to christian. Confessing a sin & being forgiven & loved is a part of God’s plan. So, you may need a confidant, but true forgiveness comes from God. His church is not always that easy to access. Jesus is the best confidant. Be careful not to hide sin & let it grow. We should expose it to His light. Work it out with a trusted same sex, like minded, believer, if you have to. But, I’m not sold we always have to. You find you. Trust God is there. Be patient with you, God is, always.

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