اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)


Mental Pictures – Married sex stories – erotica

اقرأ المحتوى بدون اعلانات والمزيد من المميزات عند الانضمام للتليجرام (دوس هنا)

Over the years, there has been a tremendous amount of discussion on AVE and the like.

[Editor’s note: For those who may be unfamiliar with the term, AVE stands for Audio-Visual Erotica, and is similar to pornography as a form of media, but different in content. The word “pornography” is constructed in part from the Greek root word “porneia,” which is a broad term for sexual immorality. In contrast, Audio-Visual Erotica may display content of sexual acts that are not immoral, such as sex between a married man and woman.]

The discussion always generates some interesting and diametrically opposing arguments. There has never been a clear and definitive viewpoint set forth as the golden rule to follow. I make no attempt to do that here.

Instead, I’d like to shift the conversation in another direction by discussing a related, but slightly different type of visual erotica. Let’s call it “Mental Imagery Erotica,” or “MIE”.

We’re all here for the same reason, and that’s to be sexually stimulated by reading hot accounts of sexy action between a husband and wife or equally steamy accounts of solo masturbation. So, it begs the question of what we’re thinking while we’re reading them.

When a story begins, we develop a mental image of the author/couple based on preconceived notions or clues the author gives us. As the story progresses, we watch as he/she/they weave through the scene until it ultimately culminates into a satisfying climax.

We do this without giving it a second thought, and I would go so far as to say that none of us has ever felt guilty about voyeuristically following along.

So, I’m curious. Which of the following would best describe your mental images?

1. Do you picture hazy, shadowy, or vague imagery and focus more on the story?

2. Do you focus on picturing a specific attribute of the person/couple?

3. Do you develop a super clear movie-like image of the scene as it unfolds in front of you?

4. Maybe something else would better describe your mental imagery?


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